đź—“ Tech Community 2022 - Highlights, top content and news

In 2022, we accomplished several notable community initiatives and milestones. We launched the Software AG Developer Center, a comprehensive resource for developers, which has been well-utilized by the community. Additionally, we introduced a challenges and points system to recognize members’ contributions and showcase their expertise. Plus, we participated in many Software AG Groups events throughout the year. Join us as we reminisce about these and more endeavors and accomplishments.

Developer Center

The Software AG Developer Center is now open to those interested in developing solutions on our platforms. It is a comprehensive resource that includes training courses and certifications, product documentation, tutorials (both video and written), technical articles, news, events, communities, support, and a variety of valuable assets. The Developer Center has something for everyone, whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced developer.
Check it out.

New Tech challenges and badges

In May we introduced new badges and challenges to help our members distinguish their contribution to the rest of the community and showcase their achievements. To read more about challenges, badges and trust levels read below:
đź’Ş Are you up for a tech challenge?


For the month of October, we gave you the opportunity to post things that made your head tilt sideways wondering: “What the Heck?” Why is this like that? Read more here - Hecktoberfest - One Month, Your Voice, Your Thoughts! and explore the hecks shared below:
Hecktoberfest topics (October 2022)

iPaaS Puzzles

In September, we launched the iPaaS Puzzles as a fun and engaging way to challenge ourselves and improve our integration skills. There was a total of 5 puzzles, each of which provided a unique challenge and an opportunity to learn and grow. We hope participating in these puzzles has been enjoyable and beneficial for everyone who took part.
iPaaS puzzles and events

IUG 2022

We were delighted to have the opportunity to connect with Software AG customers from around the world in person, through the first hybrid edition of the International Users Group Conference. It was a wonderful experience for us to be able to present and interact with you again after such a long period of virtual communication.

You can find recordings from some of the Software AG product sessions in Tech Community’s Video section:

Software AG Release Announcement October 2022

New Software AG product lines functionalities and enhancements were officially released in October. Find out the announcements for all products at:

Software AG Release Announcement October 2022

Top Community members and Gurus

Let’s praise the top forum helpers, experts and topic starters Top Tech Community Members in 2022 and welcome 2022’s new and returned Guru-s New Tech Community Gurus

Top #Knowledge base articles and tutorials

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
webMethods packages from a developers perspective 15
Cloud Migration for Integration Software 9
A word about packages 8
webMethods.io Integration - First steps, tutorials & how-tos 8
Integration Server support for AMQP with providers (Azure Service Bus and RabbitMQ) 7

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Cumulocity Digital Twin Manager - Early Preview Release 15
webMethods packages from a developers perspective 14
A word about packages 13
Differences in features between On Premise Integration Server and webMethods.io Integration Cloud 12
Using Auth0 as Single-Sign-On for Cumulocity IoT 12

Top #Forum Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
1st iPaaS Puzzle: Local Drought Water Calculator 21
Performance READ + FIND NUMBER vs. READ + IF ARRAY(*) 17
Can't startup webMethods Integration Server 17
Error while installing webMethods 10.11 trail version 10
How to get on-prem IS to upload a file into Azure 'Blob' storage 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Performance READ + FIND NUMBER vs. READ + IF ARRAY(*) 43
Scheduler not working webmethod 9 33
How access array in copybook from cobol to local in natural? 32
How to get on-prem IS to upload a file into Azure 'Blob' storage 31
REST API Descriptor 29

Most Popular

User Topic Score
1st iPaaS Puzzle: Local Drought Water Calculator 22
4th iPaaS Puzzle: Where is the International Space Station? 22
3rd iPaaS Puzzle: Who’s Country is improving the most on the UN Sustainable Development Goals? 20
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail 18
How to get on-prem IS to upload a file into Azure 'Blob' storage 18

This article is part of the TECHniques newsletter blog - technical tips and tricks for the Software AG community. Subscribe to receive our quarterly updates or read the latest issue.