Java 17 support

This announcement includes info about Java 17:

We will release the Java 17 runtime via suite wide fixes in July. Once released, all future fixes on webMethods 10.15 products will require and only work with Java 17 runtime.

Is there additional information about the timing of the release? Will this include all supported OS versions, including AIX?

It is out now. See “Common Package for JDK (CJP)” CJP_10.15_Fix354


Software AG Java Package (folder “/jvm/jvm”), including

  • Azul Zulu JDK 17.50 (openjdk version “17.0.11”) for Windows, MacOS and Linux x86_64
    (the GA delivery of 10.15 contained Azul Zulu JDK 11.58 (openjdk version “”) for these
  • IBM Semeru Java 17.0.9 for AIX
    (the GA delivery of 10.15 contained IBM Semeru Java 11.0.12)"

A follow on question was whether this changes the support timeframe for AIX.

In the announcement Longer support for webMethods 10.15 they said

“Due to the unavailability of support from IBM for the JVM after 2025, we cannot support customers running webMethods products on AIX and z/Linux for the extended period”

That statement is no longer accurate. IBM Java 17 has a long support timeline.

Unfortunately, Software Ag confirmed AIX support will not be extended. Perhaps IBM will have a different take, since they have more of a stake in AIX.


It’s available in 10.15 fix12.


Hi @Dave_Laycock1 + @reamon ,
What is important in case of your question is to let the vendor know about what you like to have, what you think is missing. :smiley:
In the past we had and now we use: IBM Ideas Portal (aka
Please submit your request for AIX Java 17 LTS there.

“Common Package for JDK (CJP)” CJP_10.15_Fix354/358 is it specific to webMethods Integration Server or its applicable for all webMethods component installation?

Example API GW, Universal Messaging and Terracotta?

Hi Viknesh,

as it as so called common package, it will be applied to the central JVM installation of each webMethods installation directory and will be used by all components installed into this installation directory.


Thanks for the update. Upon installation of the recent Fix 358, we start observing this error happening intermittently, not really sure of the root cause of it, anyone can help?

Cannot connect to the database with DataSource class “”.
“encrypt” property is set to “true” and “trustServerCertificate” property is set to “true” but the driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption: Error: Connection reset by peer ClientConnectionId:XXXX

Hi Viknesh,

in this case you should check for the version of your MS SQL JDBC driver jar and your settings in the JDBC Adapter Connection config.
Additionally, please check for which Java version the driver jar was built. This should be indicated in the Jar file name. Might be that a Jar built for Java 8 is not working any longer and you need to exchange it with a jar for Java 11 (or if existing, for Java 17).
There should be more information about this on the download page for the driver on Microsoft.

See also:

Any Parameters, which are no explicit fields on the Connection config screen, should go to the “Other Properties” field as semicolon ( ; ) separated list.


Current MS SQL JDBC driver in use is mssql-jdbc-12.6.1.jre11.jar and for the other properties using following set of parameters

The driver in use is consider the newer version and support Java 17 and the issue occurs intermittenly and we are not able to identify the potential root cause, anyone can help?

Hi Viknesh,

latest driver version is 12.8 according to the first link I have shared yesterday.

jre11-jar sounds fine for both jvm 11 and jvm 17.
