I was using webMethods version 9.12 , the JDK installed at the same time I installed Integration Server
is version 1.8. How should I configure to use JDK1.7?
I have installed the JDK1.7and set wrapper.java.command=C:\SoftwareAG\jvm\JDK1.7\bin\java(wrapper.conf file), but it didn’t work.
Note: Before changing the default JVM used by Integration Server, make sure the intended target version of JVM is supported by the Integration Server. Review the System Requirements guide for more details.
Create a backup of the current wrapper.conf file located at \profiles\IS_default\configuration\wrapper.conf)
Modify wrapper.conf to point to that JVM installation by setting the property wrapper.java.command
usually the IntegrationServers only works with the jvm version provided by SAG during installation or newer provided builds locally by your system.
If newer JVMs (i.e. Java 9 in this case) will be supported is not guaranteed.
There will be an appropriate Java package available in UpdateManager when this is the case.
Downgrading the JVM is usually not possible and should result in some sort of “Unsupported ClassFIleVersion”:
May I ask for your requirement to use Java 7 with IS 9.12?
Anything compiled with Java 7 and before should be still working in Java 8 but not vice versa as long as the Java Compiler was not informed to take care of this (“-target 1.7”).
I want to use JDBC-ODBC bridge to connect informix DB ,I find the WmDB Guide said that If I am using the Oracle JRE, the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver is sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver,but JDK 1.8 don’t support it,so I want to use Java 7 with IS 9.12.
Don’t you think if WM912 cannot use JDK1.7, what the WmDB guide said is a contradiction.