Invalid connection properties!

Please explain what you mean by

WEB = HTTP: // http: // localhost: 8080

I received Error 404 when I attempted to execute HELLO-P, so I deleted the project and re-installed it according to the instructions in a prior post: Unable to run Hello-P.NSP - #3 by Ralph_Zbrog I followed that with a re-build of the Natural project. I had to repeat the delete/re-install/re-build procedure a couple of times before it worked. Now I can click Run As → 1 Natural Application to see the result in a Natural I/O window.

Also verify your launch settings:

  • From the Natural Navigator tab, open the context menu
    of the Natural library SAMP4ONE. (Or from the Navigator tab,
    open the context menu of the Natural-Libraries node.)
  • From the context menu, go to Run As → Run Configurations …
  • This will take you to Natural Application → Default Launch
  • In the Natural Application tab, set Hostname to localhost and Port number to 28080. Click Close.