Unable to run Hello-P.NSP


I have no idea how you got yourself into your situation. I was able to duplicate the problem by manipulating the workspace directories with File Explorer, something one should never do. (Not an accusation. :slightly_smiling_face:) The html and xml files are generated, so there should be no need even to open the User Interface Components node/directory.

The Hello World application is intended to showcase Natural’s ability to use webpages for input and output. Creating a webpage is relatively simple, but I wouldn’t try fixing one before building a bit of experience with Docker, Natural, and ONE. Rather than regenerating the missing components, I recommend refreshing the application.

  • Delete project NaturalONE Hello World Sample Application, taking the Delete project contents on disk option.

  • Click Help → Welcome

    • Select the Hello World application to restore it.
  • Open the project’s Properties.

    • Natural → Runtime
      • Host name is your IP address (likely same as specified during Docker installation)
      • Port number 2700
  • Project context menu

    • Rebuild Natural Project
  • HELLO-P.NSP context menu

    • Run As -->Natural Application

ps The installation instructions must have been fairly good, seeing as I have it all installed and running, but several times I found myself asking “What does that mean?” or “Where exactly do I do that?” because I had no prior Docker experience.