wm6.1 mainframe high availability, multiple instances


we are about to configure a sun cluster on which we plan to run wMminframe (MIS) process. This process uses port 8087 which i believe cannot be changed. When you install an IS with wMmainframe packege, this package by defult uses this port to connect to the MIS on the “localhost”. Now, if i got several IS that needs to connet to the mainframe via MIS. They will all find the same MIS.

  1. Is this a supported use of the product. Running multiple IS with wmMainfram package sharing the same MIS?
  2. Is it possible to change this 8087 port to run multiple MIS?
  3. In a high availability scenario you would also want to have the MIS process “high availability enabled”, what best practice installation/configuration are there regarding this?

The documentation regarding wmMainframe MIS process configuration doesn’t say much regarding multiple MIS or the possibility to run the MIS process on a separate server from the (on or more) IS connecting to it via Mainframe package.

Please advise
Roger Wallberg

Hi Rodger,

My company is about to purchase webMethods and I’m surprised to see no response to your query. How did you proceed?



Bob and Roger,

webMethods has a document titled “GEAR 6 High Availability White Paper” (from Feb 2003) that covers high availability for all the components, including webMethods Mainframe.

From the Advantage web site menu select Best Practices, then GEAR 6. Download the zip file (GEAR_6.zip) from the link "GEAR 6 Complete Download’. Extract the contents and look at the file “GEAR 6 High Availability White Paper.pdf” under the folder \03 White Papers.

The Mainframe high availability is covered in Appendix C.



Downloaing the entire GEAR 6 Zip file (22.35 MB) is definitley a good idea. However, if you just want the GEAR 6 High Availability White Paper (1.99 MB), you can download it by browsing to Best Practices > GEAR 6 > White Papers.
