Update the profile info with an HTTP request

Hi All,

I need to update the profile info in TN with an HTTP request.inputs of the HTTP request are EDIID,Qualifier,new EDIID,new Qualifier,Corporation Name,new Corporation Name.
i tried to use the services in wm.tn.profile folder but unable to update anything.
for example i’m trying to update the corporation name in the following manner:let’s assume i have partnerID in hand.
1.created a document reference of wm.tn.rec:Corporation and passed the partnerID which i have and the new Corporation Name and invoked wm.tn.profile:updateCorporation service(mapped Corporation Document to corporation object).but it is throwing some error.

Any ideas?



Can anyone throw some ideas on how to achieve this?
Is there no one who can help me on this?



I was able to update the Corporation Name, but the problem now is i’m unable to update External ID’s.
Help needed.


Hi All,

I got the solution for this.
Contact me if anyone wants to know more about this.



I want to know how did you update the externals ID’s? because I need update the delivery method properties using the services from the wm.tn profile