Building ISA/GS segments

I have 50 supplier profiles set up in 61 TN. Each one with a unique ID and using different qualifiers like 01, 08, 12, 14, ZZ

In their profiles each external ID Type corresponds to the qualifier we want to use in their ISA/GS segments on the outbound document we are creating and sending to them.

For example Supplier 1 we have External ID type PHONE and Value 123456789, because their ISA05 needs to be 12 and their ISA06 needs to be 123456789

When I am building my EDI document how do I get the appropriate qualifier and ID for each supplier? I can’t set the qualifier and id within flow because the suppliers all go through a standard flow.

I see there is the getProfile- but that will not work because the internal externalID value can be different depending on what order the external id types are added to TN. I don’t think I can use TPAs because I do not have the qualifier and ID (that is what I am trying to get).

In 4.6 we built a custom service that based on the internal externalID we could identify the qualifier, but that won’t work in 6.1

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

There is no 1 service to get me the data, but if I use getProfile and getExternalID with some tokanization then I can capture the data dynamically.


Basically you set the ID and the qualifier in the TPA. I dont know why you are not able to set them up in the TPA.
Set the ISA and GS info in the TPA.use service to get the ISA and GS from the TPA. Map the values you get from the above service to the addICEnvelope and addGroupEnvelope are all set.
