I have 50 supplier profiles set up in 61 TN. Each one with a unique ID and using different qualifiers like 01, 08, 12, 14, ZZ
In their profiles each external ID Type corresponds to the qualifier we want to use in their ISA/GS segments on the outbound document we are creating and sending to them.
For example Supplier 1 we have External ID type PHONE and Value 123456789, because their ISA05 needs to be 12 and their ISA06 needs to be 123456789
When I am building my EDI document how do I get the appropriate qualifier and ID for each supplier? I can’t set the qualifier and id within flow because the suppliers all go through a standard flow.
I see there is the getProfile- but that will not work because the internal externalID value can be different depending on what order the external id types are added to TN. I don’t think I can use TPAs because I do not have the qualifier and ID (that is what I am trying to get).
In 4.6 we built a custom service that based on the internal externalID we could identify the qualifier, but that won’t work in 6.1
Any help would be greatly appreciated!