What is the EDI ID Qualifier for User Defined 1, User Defined 2, User Defined 1 (External ID Types in TN prfoiles)?
For DUNS the Qualifier is 01 and for Mutually Defined IDs the qualifier is ZZ. Similarly I want to know the EDI ID Qualifiers for User Defined External ID Types.
In 4.6, only the User Defined 1 is usable. Any qualifier that is not 01 nor ZZ is considered to be User Defined 1. For 6.x, additional qualifiers can be used and mapped to TN-aware ID types and User Defined 1 - 4 are not needed.
The service âwm.b2b.editn:ediPartnerIDToTNPartnerIDâ is able to recognize the correct profile If i use the ID Qualifier as null for User Defined 1 ID.
But when I try to give null as my id qualifier in EDITPA GSRouting/SenderQualifier, it is taking that qualifier as * and TN is not able to recgonize the sender. Eventhough null is there in the qualifier field of TPA, When I look into the output of tn.receive service it is taking the value as *.
Null is not a valid value to use for an ID qualifier.
What qualifier is being used for the partner? If it is not 01 or ZZ (as youâve indicated) then place that qualifier in the TPA. Place the corresponding ID in the User Defined 1 ID in the profile.
I think youâre right RMG that any qualifier other than 01 or ZZ will map to User Defined 1 (again, User Defined 2, 3 and 4 are never used by the EDI modules) but Iâm not sure cuz Iâve never tried it in 6.x. In my opinion, in 6.1 User Defined 1 should never be used for EDI since there is a way to define additional external ID types in TN that correspond to the EDI ID qualifiers. Relying on the default behavior of all non-01/ZZ qualifiers to map to User Defined 1 can make profile management more tedious unnecessarily.
We are using WM 6.0.1 and having problem recognizing the external ID in TN. What would be the External ID Type for Qualifier â02â. I have tried using User Defined 1 but it doesnât work. Is there a way to add/relate an EDI Qualifier to an external ID type in TN?
In EDI X12 for â02â qualifier you have to select SCAC in the ExternalID type section.
If SCAC code not listed in the TNConsole profile externalid then login to ISAdminConsole/WmEDI page install the externalid types select SCAC in the list.Referesh your TN console and you should see the new externalID type.
In X12 the 02 qualifier is associated with the SCAC (standard carrier alpha code). In TN 6.1 this external ID type can be added to TN from the EDI for TN administration page on your IS. You can find the exact steps to do this in the EDI Module Users guide.
I followed the steps and its working now. Thanks much for the help.
BTW - Can you please point me to the WM Docs where I can find the details about this topic? I was searching in WM EDI TN Docs and couldnât any information about this.
Following on from here, I am using outbound Edifact 92.1 ORDRSP, INVOIC & TAXCON. In the UNB segment I need to use my partners mailbox id, plus a qualifier [ZZ] plus a routing id [A001]. I currently have the external ID defined in the Trading partner as Mutually defined to cover the ZZ qualifier. When I process the document, the Edifact Envelope recognises the sender and receiver correctly, but the actual document, eg: Edifact INVOIC reports the receiver as Unknown with the Error being âEDI Qualifier: ZZ, ID: A001 [EDIFTN.000010.000232]â. Please could someone advise how the external ID should be set to correct this ?
What is your current processing rule setup based either on INVOIC
or Envelope or Group level?? In the TAnalysis for EDIFACT INVOIC the documenttype showing as âunknownâ default rule getting selected?? I guess there might be some issue in your processing rule setup itself can you check it??