EDI ID Qualifier for User Defined External Id Types

The PR is based on the EDIFACT Envelope. This works perfectly for every other Trading Partner, just not for this one. The default rule is being selected because the receiver is unknown.

Is there any typo in the edi document for the receiverid (ZZ) and also is it matching accordingly with partner profile ExternalID (MutuallyDefined)?? So is the issue only with INVIOIC transaction set receiver not being recognized?


there is not a typo…here is what the UNB looks like…


The PR sends to the TP via a VAN based on the EDIFACT envelope. This is happening ok, and the Receiver is correctly identified at the envelope level, but is set to unknown at the actual document level (in this case UNEDIFACT 921 ORDRSP, but also UNEDIFACT 921 INVOIC and UNEDIFACT 921 TAXCON). If I remove the A001 it translates correctly. Unfortunately I cannot do this though in the live environment as the partner requires it.

I have tried lots of different combinations in the external Ids but nothing seems to work…please could anyone advise ?


ZZ isn’t standard EDIFACT qualifier, AFAIK. But it is often used because it is a qualifier in X12. ZZZ is the mutually defined identifier. Give ZZZ a try.

If you need ZZ, you’ll need to update the dictionary being used to allow that value.

I was checking the documentation for adding an External Id Type and here is what I found.

1 Open the Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2 In the Solutions menu of the navigation panel, click EDI. The Server Administrator opens a new browser window to display the EDI Module home page.
3 From the EDI Module home page, in the Partner Set Up menu of the navigation panel, click Add External ID Types.
4 From the External ID Type drop-down list, select the EDI ID qualifier for which you want to add an external ID type.
5 Click Add External ID Type to Trading Networks. The EDI Module displays a message stating that the external ID type was installed.

My question is what do I do if the Id type I want to add is not available in the drop down as indicated in point number 4.


Hi all,

Can someone tell me in which field of UNEDIFACT-SLSRPT document does the transaction codes come in for sales.

The codes are generally : SD ( Ship and Debit ), SM (Sample), SS(Stock Sale), BP (Broken Price).

The customer wants to send this codes, but they are not sure which field and segment of EDIFACT doc do they send.

Thanks in Advance


The codes i have given are the POS transaction codes in my previous question.

This links might help you [URL=“UNTDID | UNECE”]http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/welcome.htm[/URL] or
and look in the Directories section depends on your edi version.

BTW,which EDIFACT version are you using?



Thanks for your reply. But i couldnt find anything related to these codes in the link. The version iam using is 97A.


Else you can use any external tool like EDIFECS specbuilder sort of… [URL=“http://www.edifecs.com/gi-specbuilder-overview.jsp”]http://www.edifecs.com/gi-specbuilder-overview.jsp[/URL] and check the specifications for the SLSRPT D97A and its codelists.


In one your earlier posts in this thread, you have provided “ExternalID’s and Types”. Can you guide us to the website which provides this information.

I was searching over Google, SW engineers best friend, for this information, and found it in this thread.

Appreciate your help
Jafar Khan

Thanks dude, i have been looking for this “external id types reference” for a while.

Ravi Wrote:

What is the EDI ID Qualifier for User Defined 1, User Defined 2, User Defined 1 (External ID Types in TN prfoiles)?

For DUNS the Qualifier is 01 and for Mutually Defined IDs the qualifier is ZZ. Similarly I want to know the EDI ID Qualifiers for User Defined External ID Types.

Hi Ravi,

I picked from Advantage,

Qualifier 01 (DUNS) with External ID DUNS - Sender recognize

  • Qualifier 02 (SCAC) with External ID SCAC - Sender recognize

  • Qualifier 03 (FMC) with External ID FMC - Sender recognize

  • Qualifier 09 (X.121) with External ID X.121 -Sender NOTrecognize - failed

  • Qualifier 14 (DUNS plus suffix) with External ID DUNS plus suffix - Sender
    NOT recognize - failed

  • Qualifier ZZ (Mutually Defined) with External ID Mutually Defined - Sender recognize

As reamon suggested use
Use the EDI for TN administration pages to add additional ID qualifier to TN external ID type mappings.




For userdefined qualifier you can use anything like 15,16,…20…etc define the User Defined 1 in the parter profile that matches the value in your EDI file.