Threads Says

“Outbound you have to add the ISA and GS via addICEnvelope and addGroupEnvelope.”

How to configure TN for partner X use DUNS and for partner Y use DUNS+4 in the ISA and GS segments

I guess this should be in partner profile , but couldn’t locate or am i missing big time . Some threads was telling you can set this in TPA …

Steps Involved ?

Help Me !!!

Thx in Advance…



You have to configure these ids in TN partner profile section and select options under the External ID Type and define the DUNS,DUNS+4 values.

And in the EDI document of ISA envelope ISA05 ISA06,ISA07,ISA08 and GS envelope of GS02,GS03 holds the external id information .When the edi document routed to TN then it will extract the DUNS information and matches with Profile and displays the Sender/Receiver information in Transaction Analysis.

let us know if you have any further questions…


I have defined both DUNS and DUNS+4 in the partner profile ,i have to use DUNS + 4 value for my backend application and DUNS for outbound EDI …how to ensure addICEnvelope picks DUNS value for outbound EDI



you have to pass the service inputs senderQual(01) and sender(Duns value)in the addICEnvelope service ,this is example for DUNS and similarly applies for DUNS+4…



Is the partner sending you DUNS+4 and wants you send them DUNS? I don’t understand the backend wants DUNS+4. Can you elaborate a bit more.
It could be as simple as setting both in the profile as you have done. Then you need to query TN using DUNS to get DUNS+4 value to pass to the backend.

Let us know.

Depending on how complicated the requirements from your trading partners (TP’s) are you may want to use the TPA. I have a range of TP’s from the simple that have the same identifier at the AS2, ISA, and GS envelope levels, TP’s that have the same id at ISA & GS level but different at the AS2 level, to the most complicated with all three codes being different. The most complicated is in the case of a buying group that centralizes the communications thru one ISA and uses the GS code to internally disperse the documents to each buying facility, but they use the VAN or third party exchange so that is were the AS2 id is also different. In this scenario I use the TPA. I took the default TPA and expanded the definition of the ISA and GS to include both the ids and the qualifiers. This allows me to easily retrieve multiple GS codes with in one ISA and get it all correct using TN. For the AS2 id I added an extended field to the profile to hold the AS2ID to be used in the case when the AS2 id is different from the ISA that is setup on the profile. The extended fields are retrieved prior to calling the service wm.EDIINT:send and used as the sender or receiver id inputs to the service. At that same time I retrieve the primary protocol and also use that as input into the send service.

Note: on the primary protocol you have to remove a space that is returned example Primary HTTP needs to be PrimaryHTTP.

Note: we also used the TPA for the situation where the customer is using a qualifier other then mutually defined, which is what we have chosen as the default to grab from the profile. The example is the ISA qualifier 12 for phone #. The standard in the service is to retrieve the mutually defined id for the ISA, but if there is a TPA then the qualifier is not blank it is overridden by the qualifier on the TPA.
Good Luck!

wow …guess i have to do little more reading …i will keep you posted

thx a lot RMG & DAWN …

I like to rephrase my question

We are developing a b2b gateway (Pass thru) where different backend applications talk to external partners.

Each backend application is configured as a partner like other genuine partners

So no communication in the corporate level which means DUNS + XXXX or Mutually Defined is actually talking to partners

Some partners wants DUNS in ISA level and DUNS + 4 in the GS level, others prefer Mutually Defined in ISA level and DUNS or DUNS + 4 in the GS level and vice versa.

So how to cater to all this permutation combinations.

So based on requirement addICEnvelope and addGroupEnvelope should pick appropriate ID’s in the outbound transmission dynamically.

If I create TPAs for each combination then before calling above 2 methods do I have to call getTPA and pass the parameters to senderQual …( addICEnvelope & addGroupEnvelope look only @ profile right ? )

any other ideas …




yes,you can retrieve those ID’s using getTPA that gives in the pipeline like tpaData/ICheaderInfo,GSRouting etc… and pass the parameters to those service depends on the partner.

If no TPA’s then another option would be managing properties file that contains all the necessary default partner details and extract this properties in the runtime.This option was implemented in the pre6.0 environments and i have seen this with some clients.

There might be some other easy ways,somebody can share their experiences like handling this type of complex scenarios.

Just my thoughts,

You can copy the standard EDITPA and expand both the ISA and GS information to include the actual sending and receiving ids as well as the qualifiers. I also added the document version because some of our TP’s do version 00200 at the ISA and 004010 at the GS. Using the TPA allows for the scenario of having multiple GS codes within one ISA. You will have several TPA’s and need to retrieve the TPA like you stated before the addICEnvelope and addGroupEnvelope, but it works. It is all maintainable and viewable within the TN console as part of the trading relationship. Note we are not using TPA for all setups only those that require it such as the varying GS code. If there is no TPA retrieved then the standard sender/receiver ids are inputs to the add enevelope services.


Another alternative is to use the Extended fields in the profile.
I create a group (ie. T810) for each document that I trade and I place document specific data there. ie. Partner A needs a different GS value for 810 vs. and 856. That sort of thing. My service then populates the IS/GS from the TPA but uses the Extended Fields to override if they’re not null.
This was actually discussed in another thread.
I’ll see if I can find it and point you to it.


Check out these 2 post.
You’ll see Zachary implemented something similar

I agree with Chris and Zachary comments and it is also a good option so that you can extract this info using “” service stored in TN profile/Extended Fields section.


You Guys are the Best

Thx All


I know its a pretty old thread and along with my posts…

Dawn,In the case of outbound X12’s and with using of getTPA how are you specifying/getting its input params mapped for senderID,receiverID internalID’s obviously which is not in the pipeline before routing edidata to TN? so on what basis you get the InternalID’s with out knowing which partner specific TPA to lookup dynamically and ultmately we set to the sender/receiver info in the addICEnvelope service.

Can you respond or anyone?
