I am getting the below error while i am trying to start IS.
Can you share the below details:
webMethods version=
JDK version=
Is it a fresh installation?
Did you install as service/application?
From when are you facing this issue?
Was the IS up and running before this issue occurred?
Any usefull information on server log
IS 8.2.2
Windows 7 Professional
Not a fresh installation.
Installed as application
The IS up and running before this issue occurred?
Cool… :lol:
Can you start the IS from All Programs>>SAG webMethods
List all the folders/files under SAG/IntegrationServer (provide screen shot) I am not sure whether we have a LOCkFILE in wM 8 or not (need to confirm)
or Reboot your system
Sorry, The server is in running state. But it is not showing all logs. LockFile is creating in Profiles/IS/bin folder.
Was busy in the evening… so could not reply to your post…
Cool… you have the lockfile at Profiles/IS/bin remove the lockfile and restart the IS from the same location… you must be having server.bat/startup.bat file…
Let me know your results…