

I am having prolem when dealing with N-way synchronization.the problem description is below:
differebt systems involved in the integration uses their own native codes for representing data. say one system may use 001 to represent countrycode for some country and other may use 010 for the same country as countrycode. How to do these transalations? source system send data to webMethods with their own native codes and webMethods is supposed to synchronize data in target systems with their corresponding native codes.

Could you please help me in sorting out this scenario.

Thanks in Advance.

You can consider storing these codes in DB table, so when source system sends particular code, you can query and retrieve the value of target system’s respective code.

Hi Rajashekar,

you can handle this scenario by using properties file also.

Better I’ll explain with below example.

  1. create properties file
    ex : firstName=E001
  2. Put this properties file in config dir
  3. get that properties file from conf directory
  4. Translate data codes based on the input value.

Please let me know if you face any problem


Thanks for your replies. But in the scenario, i need to update the xrefs also. In that case how can we handle? i got some information like we should store all the translations in DB and then we need to pull the data from DB. but i dont know how to perform the cross-referencing and what exactly it means. Please guide me.

Thanks in Advance

Using xref is here is the best bet for you. Please refer to following GEAR documentation, they are describing this topic in very great detail:

Data Synchronization: Cookbook- GEAR 6.5 – Implementation Guide
Data Synchronization: Overview- GEAR 6.5 – Implementation Guide



  1. Try to obtain the country_code–>country_name mapping of your source. Put this in a DB.
  2. You try to store the country codes(intermediate-u giv ur own) of all countries which you may use, in a DB. (This is purely for your team alone.)
  3. Then, once the source sends data, use the country code of it and find country name using DB as in step-1.
  4. Then with country name you have, take the intermediate-code.
  5. Do the reverse to map to target.

All the Best!!!