We had made an installation of Tamino v3.1.1.3 in paralalel with the previous version v2.2.1.11.
Unfortunatelly LINUX version didn’t work as WINDOWS, because “Set Version” option didn’t appear on the Tamino Manager.
We had tried to remove the REALESTATE database, but “Delete Database” option didn’t appear as well. So we removed v21111 directory, but
REALESTATE remains on Tamino Manager.
What can we do to remove REALESTATE from Tamino Manager ?

On Tamino Manager appears the following message:
[(ARG2014) Agent was not found ], when we “click” over REALESTATE database.

Thank’s in advance.


Karina Olivares
Consist Brazil

Hi Karina,

you did install the version into the same ($SAG) directory as 2.2 ? If true I wonder what might have gone wrong. Anyway, as you deleted the old v2.2x directory from your $SAG installation you might not be able to remove the old database via system management hub. You will probably need to delete the corresponding entries from the registry by hand.
Do you know how to use the “regutil” utillity ?
If not I could send you some commands that show you how to do that.

cheers … Bjoern