I am posting the file from our SIT environment to UAT via AS2 and we are authenticating the partner by digital certificates. When i post a file from SIT to UAT then in SIT transaction analysis receiver is coming as unknown but on UAT no issues also when UAT is sending the MDN back then on SIT sender is coming as unknown.
I verified the setings on SIT and it looks fine to me but not sure what went wrong.
If any one has any idea on this then please let me know.
NOTE: It is happening only when I am posting from SIT to UAT but when I am posting from SIT to DEV then there is no problem.
Hi Vikas,
Can you double check the receiver partner profile configuration in SIT. It should match the data(user defined/duns/…) which you are sending from SIT to UAT …
and verify,
- In SIT check, TN Document type properly extracted for Receiver.
- and also Verify the activity logs for receiver extraction and status
Hi Arul,
We are not extracting the receiver value from parsing the file. We are receiving the value from routing rules we configured in our application. Basically our application is pure file transfer application. We are authenticating partners only via digital certificates. I verified the setup related to the certificate and compared it with other partner but i do not find any issue.
If it is a flat file, then double check the gateway service which you used to post the file to Trading networks. Mainly TN_Params value for Reciever.
Are you using the service “wm.tn.doc.ff:routeFlatFile”?
Check the above routing service and mapped params (case sensitive):
SenderID (make sure profile has the ID you are setting)
ReceiverID (make sure profile has the ID you are setting)
The main problem is, in my application we are receiving files from one end and delivering it to the other end without checking the content of the file. This application is for BANK and custoemrs sends Payment files, statements and such kind of files. Customer is allowed to use any format as backend systems has to do with the file format as back system will process those files. Our application liability is to only send and receive file securly.
So when we have to recoznize the customer we do on the basis of SSL hand shake and if SSL hand shake is successful the it takes the custoemr name associated with certificate (mapped on IS) and check the profile on TN and if profile is there then further action is taken (like encryption, decryption, compresion, duplicate check. etc.)
Now in this senario when we are receiving it from customer we recognizing it on the basis of IS certificaten mapping as explained above. When we are sending then we are configuring TN partner id as receiver in routing rules and while sending files to customer checking this receiver value on TN. IF exists then delivery will happen else it will fail.
Now i am not able to understand delivery is not failing but receiver is not coming on TN also when MDN is coming back then SSL handshake is also happening but still Customer ID is not coming on TN only Unknown is coming.