- You have already installed Command Central using sagdevops-cc-server instructions (see here)
- You have cloned the sagdevops-cc-server from the above point with its submodules on the command central machine
Prepare the remote machine. Centos commands example
Create a user (if you do not have one):
# as root
adduser ${myUserName}
passwd ${myUserName}
Add the user to sudoers:
# as root
usermod -aG wheel username ${myUserName}
Hint: if the user is the first one in the wheel group you need to reboot
Open firewall for what your installation will need
# as ${myUserName}
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8092/tcp # for SPM, needed for boostrap
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=8093/tcp # for SPM, needed for boostrap
# add other ports if needed subsequently
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=5555/tcp # e.g. this one is for Integration Server
# apply changes
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Execute Boostrap from the CCE machine
# Prepare the variables you will need, change accordingly
remoteUserName=userNameHere # the user you created before
remoteUserPassword=yourPassword # the password you set before
installDir="/f1/f2/f3" # folder where to install on the remote machine
spmPort="8092" # main http port for SPM on the remote machine
# add the necessary ssh credentials to CCE credentials configuration
sagcc exec templates composite apply sag-cc-creds -e “DONE” --sync-job \
credentials.key="SshUser_${remoteUserName}_at_${remoteServerName}" \
credentials.username=${remoteUserName} \
# ensure ssh will not stop asking to accept the server key
ssh-keyscan ${remoteServerName} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# find out what installers you have for bootstrap and pick one. Example
sagcc list provisioning bootstrap installers
# apply provisioning template
sagcc exec templates composite apply sag-spm-boot-ssh \
nodes=${remoteServerName} \
cc.installer=${installerFile} \
install.dir=${installDir} \
spm.port=${spmPort} \
os.credentials.key="SshUser_${remoteUserName}_at_${remoteServerName}" \
--sync-job --wait 360