Bootstraping installations

What is Bootstrapping?

Command Central needs an agent (SPM) to manage installation, typically a remote one. The process of installing the agent is called bootstrapping.

Before you begin you must have a product repository registered for the target release version of the installation you need to setup. Please see tutorial on how to setup master, image and mirror repositories for different releases.

TIP: Command Central 9.9+ bootstrap installer brings product and fix images for SPM bootstrap

Bootstrap single installation using Web UI

Command Central 9.7+ can bootstrap a new installation from Web UI using one of the three supported methods.

Push method

For remote hosts that can be accessed via SSH protocol you can use fully automated push bootstrap method. This typically applies to Unix hosts.

IMPORTANT: CC MUST be able to SSH into the remote machine using application user account
TIP: Command Central 9.9+ can bootstrap remote Windows hosts with OpenSSH

Watch this video demonstrating push bootstrap process

Pull method

For remote hosts that cannot be accessed via SSH protocol you can use partially automated pull bootstrap method. This typically applies to Windows hosts without OpenSSH or Unix hosts where security does not allow direct SSH access.

Watch this video demonstrating pull bootstrap process

Local method

TIP: use localhost to activate local bootstrap method

There is a useful shortcut to bootstrap installations on the same host where Command Central is installed by using localhost as the new installation hostname. It works well on Unix or Windows, does not require any remote connectivity and is very useful for dev and other quick setups.

IMPORTANT: Make sure local installations use unique installation directory and ports

Bootstrap multiple installations

With introduction of Composite Templates in CC 9.8 you can use default spm-layer template to bootstrap multiple installations at the same time using a single command line. The installation will be done using push method on all target hosts at the same time.

IMPORTANT: CC MUST be able to SSH into the remote machine using application user account


cc exec templates composite apply spm-layer environment.type=layer spm.hosts=[host1,host2,host3] os.platform=lnxamd64 os.username=appuser os.password=xxx install.dir=/opt/softwareag repo.product=cc-all-9.9-release-lnxamd64 repo.fix=cc-fix-9.9-fix1 spm.fixes=ALL


cc exec templates composite apply spm-layer environment.type=layer spm.hosts=[host1,host2,host3] os.platform=w64 os.username=appuser os.password=xxx install.dir=d:\SoftwareAG repo.product=cc-all-9.9-release-w64 repo.fix=cc-fix-9.9-fix1 spm.fixes=ALL


Do I need to have Java on the target host?

Yes, currently you need to have Java on the target host and its version should be at least 1.8. Java should be available for the application user performing the installation. In the future, this requirement may be lifted.

Can I use custom image to push bootstrap SPM?

Technically yes, but it is strongly recommended to use bootstrap image generated by Command Central. See bootstrap images tutorial for details.

Can I use an cc-all-9.9-release-{platform} bootstrap image to push bootstrap SPM?

YES, this image is designed to bootstrap SPM. It will NOT install CCE, just SPM, on the target host if used as an image for bootstrapping SPM from Web UI or composite templates

Can I use an image to pull bootstrap SPM from Web UI?

No, you need to use either MASTER or MIRROR repository to pull bootstrap SPM from Web UI. If you don't have that, please generate pull bootstrap installer on another Command Central and use installer package to bootstrap SPM in this landscape, then register bootstrap Installation as 'Platform Manager is already installed' option from Web UI

Can I use an cc-all-9.9-fix*-{platform} bootstrap installer package to bootstrap just SPM?

Currently not, but we're looking into extending cc bootstrap installer to be able to install just SPM or just CLI in addition to installing all three components.


Bootstrap installer fails to connect to remote host

Validate that you can SSH from CCE host to this host:port using the same application user account/password or keyfile using a standalone terminal app, like PuTTY. If you can, try both PASSWORD and INTERACTIVE authentication method in CC

I have Java but bootstrap installation fails with Java not found error!

Command Central uses non-interactive shell sessions for all remote operations (including the check for java). Normally the solution is to add java to PATH for non-interactive shell sessions. NOTE that some shells may not support configuring variables via “.profile” for non-interactive sessions. In that case the easiest workaround would be to place a link to “java” in one of the “bin” directories, for example: ln –s $JAVA_HOME/bin/java /usr/bin

Bootstrap installation fails with SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED error!

This likely happens due to application user not having write access to the target installation directory. Ensure the the SSH user account you connect with has write access to the specified installation directory, e.g. /opt/softwareag. As a workaround you can try to install to the connecting user home directory which the user must have access to, e.g. /home/sagadmin/softwareag