We are using Mashzone NextGen(9.12) and have to create a dashboard where the data source will be the KPI details from Optimize.
Could you please share details on how the data can be fetched in this case. Does it require any configuration to retreieve the data from Optmize.
Hi Priyadharshini Muniyandi,
The KPI details cannot be fetched directly in the Mashzone NextGen dashboard.
This can be achieved by making rest calls to Optimize.
Optimize saves data into a relational DB, hence I think it will be possible to use the DB as the source for dashboards.
You’ll just have to analyze the structure of the DB, the table names, the relationships between them etc. It’s not quite trivial, but possible. Besides, Optimize just writes a kind of audit entries. To have the whole picture, you’ll have to collect and combine all of them to get the current state.
We did it, but it was not fun, and we switched to another solutuion.