MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics is the latest addition to Software AG’s product suite aimed at data scientist and operational analysts to explore their data mountains, experiment new theories, analyze problems and better understand relationships between derived and calculated channels of data, find new insights and to keep exploring!
The North Face® company boldly proclaims to never stop exploring! It’s a calling for explorers of the physical world, tempts thrill-seeking daredevils to constantly search new spots for base jumping, veteran climbers to seek out new paths to navigate treacherous Hillary steps to summit Mt. Everest and keep exploring. Digital world needs an equally compelling catch phrase. Digital transformation is redefining enterprises and inundating businesses with more data than they can ever conquer. Businesses need to start exploring their data to find new insights, spot trends before it's too late, and predict new trends to stay relevant but more importantly they need to start now. MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics is the latest addition to Software AG’s product suite aimed at data scientist and operational analysts to explore their data mountains, experiment new theories, analyze problems and better understand relationships between derived and calculated channels of data, find new insights and keep exploring new data terrains!
Exploratory data visualizations
MashZone NextGen Business Analytics fits nicely into the declarative data visualizations category by allowing business users and skilled developers to build rich, interactive dashboards.
MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics, a recent new capability of the Software AG Digital Business Platform, allows for data-driven exploratory data visualization, enabling data scientists and domain experts to further explore their data, understand business behavior and assist them in finding new answers, all with an easy-to-use, intuitive drag-and-drop web interface. See Fig. 1 for highlights of some of the key features in the April 10.0 Innovation Release.
Figure 1: Visual Analytics 10.0 New Features - Apache Spark™ Execution Engine, Dimension Filtering, Visual Schema Reclassification, Range Sliders, Streaming Play/ Pause, Data Export, Trend Lines and More
MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics overview
Once a data source is deployed or registered, a Visual Analytics schema definition is automatically discovered and appropriate insights are generated for initial exploration. These interactive insights allow for a quick overview of data channels, providing statistical profiles of measures, data distribution of dimensions, etc. Insights can be extremely helpful in eliminating noise from the dataset and focus on the most important and relevant data channels. Beyond insights, users can perform ad-hoc explorations by visualizing different measures, look for correlation across raw and aggregated values, group and partition by different dimensions, filter down to the exact segment of the data to really understand what's driving the data.
Figure 2: Sample exploration showing hourly energy usage contour chart filtered by month. Contour charts are a great way to find usage patterns and clusters.
What’s on the horizon?
The product team is hard at work building some exciting new additions to MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics for October 2017 release. In addition to numerous improvements in UI and UX, we are really excited about the new “Advance Time Manipulation” capabilities for streaming data and a tight integration with Business Analytics for publishing exploratory analysis as native dashboards.
Figure 3: Sneak peek of the upcoming “Advanced Time Manipulation” feature in 10.1, adds the ability to play/pause, jump back, fast forward and slow down live data streams.
MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics is an exciting new addition to the visualization layer of the Digital Business Platform. Built from the ground-up on a modern, scalable, microservices architecture, Visual Analytics is tailored for exploring and analyzing IoT data flowing through the speed layer and historic data persisted through our batch layer. Ability to process large volumes of historic data with Spark execution engine, manipulate streaming data with DVR-like playback capability, native support for digital events, tight integration with business analytics for dashboard creation are some of the cornerstone features, intended to bring significant benefits to the visualization layer of the Digital Business Platform and more importantly making it easy for customers to find new ways to gain insights into their business data.
For more information, including code samples please visit the MashZone NextGen section of Software AG’s Tech Community.