MWS Transaction Data Export

I am using MWS 9.10 and MWS_9.10.0_Fix3

I am looking to export the transaction data for a particular customer based on different types of transactions. Additionally, while importing the same to an excel file, I am hoping to have the relation with request/response to be imported as well.

Is there a way to achieve the same?

Hi Ruturaj,

may I ask you what type of transactions are you referring to in detail?
TN? Any Adapter Invocations?
Some screenshots from MWS UI might be helpful in this case.

I assume that you mean “export” instead of “import”, am I correct?


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hi Holger,

These are TN Transactions like pricing, order data. Yes. I am looking to import the transaction data.


Hi Rutaraj,

from where were these transactions exported?

Can you provide more informations about Fixes applied, esp. TNS_Fixes (for IS) and TN_MWS_Fixes (for MWS)?


These transactions will be exported from the MWS. /n for example, pricing transactions(request/response) for abc customer between a specific date range. these can be usually be exported using the export table option on the transactions page. /n However, the exported excel file does not contain the relationships between the request/response.

TN Version
Fix TN_9.10_MWS_Fix2


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Hi Ruturaj,

may I ask for the use case, why you need to export and import such data from and to TN?


Hi Holger,

We are looking to analyze the transaction data for a couple of customers. As the customer is complaining that there is a delay in generating a response from our webM system.

Hence, may be a data export would help with the same.


Hi Ruturaj,

you can export the data to a csv file which you can analyze.

But as far as I know there is no possibility to import it back to another database schema.

Depending on the size of the data and the complexity of the processing this will impact how long it takes from request receival until response delivery.
Additional the performance of the network layer should be analyzed.


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Thanks for the help, Holger! Appreciate your guidance.

Not sure why you need to import it back. Is it because you want to build a sand box to try to fix the problem or something? If that’s the case why not clone the db for sandbox?

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Hi Engin,

I am looking to export the same. I have rectified the question now.


This should be your answer then. It can also be related with MWS and IS resources. How many cores and nodes do you have? May be increasing them will fix your issue.

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Hi Holger/Engin,

Is there a way to retrieve the DocID as a part of the export file created by MWS?


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