MWS linux start but port 8585 not opened (webMethods Server 10.11)

The service MWS only starts if i use root user.

Using a normal user (running the chown first) it gives these errors

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Exception in com.softwareag.platform.log4j.jul.internal.Activator.start() of bundle com.softwareag.platform.log4j.init.

Also I’m not able to create a new profile using this commands:
./ deprecate-osgi-profile
./ create-osgi-profile

since it gave this errors

main ERROR root contains an invalid element or attribute “priority”
main ERROR Unknown object “root” of type org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.LoggerConfig is ignored: try nesting it inside one of: [“Appenders”, “Loggers”, “Proper
ties”, “Scripts”, “CustomLevels”].

So with the root user I’m able to start the service and also create the profile without any issue.

The installation path is own by the user that I’m trying to start the service

what am I missing?


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