webMethods mws server 10.5 not coming up

Dear team,
I’m facing an issue in bringing up the MWS Server up. The webMethods version I’m using is 10.5
Steps which I followed to bring the WMS Server up are:
1.navigated to location: SoftwareAG\MWS\bin and executed the script startall.bat.
2.navigated to location: SoftwareAG\profiles\MWS_mwsinstance01\bin and executed the script startup.bat.
3.I also tried executing the script using safeboot option.
4.database(oracle external database) is also connected to webMethods and tables were also created.
Despite doing all the above steps the server didn’t come up.

please find the attached log

INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/03/24 09:09:05 | !ENTRY com.softwareag.platform.hook.shutdown 1 0 2021-03-24 09:09:05.551
INFO | jvm 1 | 2021/03/24 09:09:05 | !MESSAGE Framework shutdown timeout set to 120 seconds. Please also check tanuki-wrapper shutdown property, if specified.
ERROR | wrapper | 2021/03/24 09:10:47 | Shutdown failed: Timed out waiting for signal from JVM.
ERROR | wrapper | 2021/03/24 09:10:47 | JVM did not exit on request, termination requested.
STATUS | wrapper | 2021/03/24 09:10:47 | JVM exited after being requested to terminate.
STATUS | wrapper | 2021/03/24 09:10:48 | ← Wrapper Stopped

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Hi Sai,

please check the following posts if one of them matches your issue:

As the subject and the content looks very similar to these, I assume that you are hitting a similar issue here.


This kind of problem is most likely due to a DB configuration issue.

  1. Check your DB config at /{SAG}/MWS/server/default/config/mws.db.xml
  2. Check that the DB tables are present and correct version.
  3. Do not use an already used DB instance with a fresh install of MWS as it won’t work either.

To confirm you need to check the server log file and not the OSGI log file, you can find it at

good luck,


Please not that the file name for full.log contains two underscores:


This was used as a markup identifier for italics in your previous post.


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