mapping EDI850 with ORDERS.ORDERS05

Hello experts,

                  iam using SAP XI  as a middle ware tool to convert EDI850 to ORDERS idoc . for the graphical mapping iam in need of a detailed spreadsheet or document which will [B]SPECIFY WHICH FIELD IS TO BE MAPPED TO WHICH SEGMENT [/b], i have searched  in the threads and unable to find any .. it will be of great help if u can guide me in this aspect and if there are any postings in wmusers please specify the link .

This wMUsers forum all is about to discuss using webMethods components…

BTW,Are you webMethods Developer mapper or XI mapper tool??

Please google in SAP XI forum…


In addition to RMG’s comments about finding an SAP XI forum, you should note that EDI field mappings are normally unique to a given company to company relationship. The mapping specification should be specified by an analyst that understands the data from the EDI 850 and how it should be mapped into the ORDERS document for proper use within your specific SAP installation. An 850 implementation guide, created either by your company or the partner company, is key to creating the mapping spec.

You might find implementation guides and/or an 850-to-ORDERS mapping spec on the web, but you’ll want to use that only as a starting point for your own spec, not as the spec.

Hope this helps.

Check this useful section on EDI mapping,SAP EDI Implementation topics link