Integrated Windows Auth(NTLM) from UNIX webM


Posting my question after some exhaustive search on this thread and other resources.

Environment/Source: webMethods 7.1.2 running on AIX machine
Target: MS reporting server 2005

I am running HTTPGet service from our webM on AIX system to retrieve a pdf file from a target windows machine.Based on what i know the target windows IIS is configured to authenticate using integrated windows auth.(or) NTLM(assuming they are the same) and i am getting 401-Authorization failure exception.But when i ran the same service from IS 6.1 windows(which is our older version) its working fine.

So my question, Is there any configuration chg that needs to happen for my service on AIX to achieve NTLM authentication?.Is it even possible to do NTLM authentication from applications running on Unix servers?


What are the parameters you are passing in your AUTH - Type in your HTTP call??

Thanks for the response .

Below are the parameters
-url: http://servername/location?%Key=???&rs:Format=PDF&
rs:Command=Render (where ??? is the no. passed by the service)
-Loadas: bytes
-auth - type - {tried with ‘basic’ and ‘NTLM’}
username: xxxxxx
Password: xxxxxx
Name - content-type
value - application/pdf
-time out - 60

Thank you,


Above built in service is one option we tried the other is by writing a custom java service that uses getPasswordAuthentication() method from authenticator class.Not very familiar with java to explain exactly what our code was doing but long in short the java service is working fine on windows environment but not on unix

Thank you,

Wasn’t able find the solution as to how to achieve ntlm authentication from AIX webM but had a work around by changing the remote server to accept basic authentication
So now were able to use httpGet with authentication type set to basic.


I’m surprised that the target server folks were willing to change the security level like that. They’ve changed from a good security config for authentication to one that is basically not secure at all.