webM’s: IS: V6.5 TN: V6.5 EDI’s: 6.5.2
Issue: wm.EDIINT.receive (execute ACL=TNpartners -vs- =Anonymous)
>We are already trading EDI documents with one customer using AS2, and all works perfectly.
The software that they are using is similar to webM’s, in that their partner setup form includes separate fields for the AS2 Identifier, AS2 URL, Login Name, Password, etc.
>We are trying to add a new customer, to send them 810’s & receive 997’s back, via AS2
>All works fine, IF wmEDIINT.receive’s execute ACL is set to: anonymous. When the execute ACL is set to: TNPartners (as is the case in our production system),
the new partner receives our 810, but gets an ‘Access Denied’ when trying to send us the 997. The partner has been added to the TNPartners group in IS.
>The software the new customer is using does not have a place to enter a username & password, so he is trying to pass it in the URL, to no avail.
>The URL they are sending is in this format:
[URL=“http://ourusername:ourpassword@ourIP:5556/invoke/wm.EDIINT/receive”][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]http://ourusername:ourpassword@ourIP:5556/invoke/wm.EDIINT/receive[/size][/font][/URL]
>Has anyone encountered this issue before, and how was it solved?
Any help would be appreciated.