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Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?
I have installed webMethods 10.15, and it was successful. But can someone tell me how to access the UI? On the tutorials I saw online, the authors didn’t even visualize the UI.
which UI are referring to?
IS Admin UI or MWS UI?
Remember that MWS has two different UI parts, the normal Administratros part for Monitoring etc. and the SysAdmin part for the underlying application server.
Did you start your instances, either automatically or manually?
You will find a lot of informations on the UI usage in the IS Administrators Guide as well as the MWS Administrators Guide.
IS Admin UI can be reached via “is-host:is-port/WmRoot” and/or “is-host:is-port/WmAdmin” and the MWS Admin UI can be reached via “mws-host:mws-port”. Which part of the UI is shown is derived from the role membership of the user used to login to the MWS.
There is also designer, which is a separate tool. There are multiple UI components. You need to be more specific. IS admin UI default port is 5555, MWS admin UI default port is 8585. For Universal Messaging Server the default port is 9000 but you need Enterprise Manager to access admin UI for UM server, and there is an eclipse based designer which can be downloaded directly from this website and it is used for service/process designing/implementation.