how to specify targetDictionary in service wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse

Dear All,

I want to create a flat file schema from a SEF file by wm.b2b.edi:SEFParse in webMethods 6.1, but it always says “Unable to find Flat file Dictionary”. Please give your advice. Thanks a lot.


Try creating an empty Dictionary in the same location as you’re creating the Schema. The enter the reference to the newly created Dictionary in the “Target Dictionary” input.


I try to create flat file schema, but get the following error. how to fix it?

Are you trying to create EDI X12 850 schema from sef?Actually WM/EDI module provides all the EDI schemas by default in IS6.x.

What is your IS version?? If IS4.6 webMethods provides the templates which you can load the template records/schemas etc…in the developer by making use of WMEDI services.

Please let us know your environment details…



We 're writing you because we have exactly the same proble.

We use wm6.1 and we always have this error “Unable to find Flat file Dictionary” when trying to run the createTemplateFromSef service.

thank you,
