External schedule for batch

Im interested is any one has ever created a wrapper or and externally invoked service for wm.tn.queuing:deliverBatch. I would like to invoke batching without using the IS/TN scheduler.

Why, you ask? because I want to.

We have internal and external partners who may at times run late, or want to delay or expedite the delivery of EDI and non Standard flat data. As we have it now, TN is in charge of that function. How can I invoke the batching of a particular queue without using the internal schedule? What parameters are passed when the internal scheduler is invoked that TN knows which queue is associated with any scheduled invoke?

As far i know you have to depend only on the internal schedule default standard provided in TN and cannot be able to custom schedule seperately out of context.

Gurus,please comment more on this.


You can use any external scheduler you’d like. It simply needs the ability to invoke an IS hosted service over HTTP, possibly passing parameters. You may need/want to create a wrapper service for the scheduler to invoke.

I used to know what parameters were on the TN-controlled scheduled tasks but I’ve forgotten them. I think you can look at them in Administrator. Or you can use built-in services to view the scheduled tasks and the parameters.