EDIINT upgrade

We would like some advice on what is involved in upgrading EDIINT to version 8.2 SP1 + Fix12.

  • Is this is a package-only upgrade?
  • Does the upgrade alter any databases, i.e. Integration Server or TN?
  • Ideally we would like an over-install. Is this possible?
  • Are you aware of any side-effects of applying Fix 12?
  • Are there any other dependencies that require upgrading?
  • Do you think existing AS2 traffic that relies on SHA-1 certificates will continue to work?

The reason for the upgrade is we want to start supporting SHA-2 with AS2 in the near future.

Current installation:

webMethods Integration Server
build 228

WmEDI ( EDI_8.0_SP1_Fix19 )
WmEDIINT ( WmEDIINT_8_0_SP1_Fix8 )

Hi Adiran,

please have a look at Upgrade Guide for wM 8.2.x.
This should answer most of your questions.

For EDIINT Fix12 you should have look at readme for this fix.

Additionally check the Built-In-Services Guides for EDI and EDIINT for changed or deprecated services.

If you want to be sure you can contact support by opening an incident in empower, but this requirees an active exntended maintnenance agreement for wM 8.2.

Additionall you should consider upgrading to the current wM 9.x stream.
Possible targets for upgrading from 8.2 are either 9.5 SP1 or 9.8.
From there you can migrate to latest wM 9.12.
These upgrades will b e side-by-side migrations as per the upgrade guides.
