Designer 9.7 Integration Server - Having Problems saving the User and Password in the Configuration

I’m having a problem setting up the integration server configuration for Designer 9.7… I’m able to add a server and connect to it, but when I logoff and login again the connection is still there but the User/Password are not saved in the entry (Please See attached)

This started happening after I re-installed webMethods 9.7 onto my laptop. I used a 64bit image. Has anyone ran into this issue?

Fernando Gastaldi
Arrow Electronics
Software AG Designer 9.7 Error Messages.doc (276 KB)


Are you facing the same issue with other connections from the list?
Can you tried deleting and adding the entry again.
Also, getting the fix level cross checked, is recommended.

Hi Fernando,

what happens if you enter user & password for the connecion, check the connectivity, close all dialogs, exit Designer and restart it?

Can you check if you have the right permissions to the location where the workspace is located?

Might be that Designer is not able to update the config file in workspace where the servers are defined.


Hi Fernando ,

can you go to the menu

WIndows → Preferences → General → Security → Secure Storage

Then go to Contents tab , expand Default Secure Storage you will get one entry with esb.designer , expand it and select the server for
which designer is not saving the username/password. Delete that entry.

Add again the Integration Server entry from the Software AG Menu.


Maybe master password is not configured properly?

Thanks for all the responses.

All the connections are facing he same issue. I deleted and recreated them multiple times, but I’m getting the same results.

I have the correct permission on the workspace is location.

I also Deleted the esb.designer server entry, but this did not help either.