connection problem with tamino manager

Hello, i just tried to install the tamino starter kit on a SUSE linux machine. now i have the following problem: After rebooting the system i am not able to connect to the tamino manager with (connection refused) this behaviour does not change, after explictly starting apache with /apachectl start (apache was not runinng) i inatalled everything now several times, always with the same result. during the installation process was one problem in the step, where the demo database is to be created. i got the message: “ARGUSTcpConnect failed with -6” for my mashine it seems necessary to increase to maximum size of the shared memory with echo “268435456” > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax as written in the documentation, but of cource this change is not valid any more after reboot. In the documentation there is written that the command should be added to the /etc/rc.d/sagevt script. But there is no script with this name… thank you for evey help. horst

Sounds like the argmlsrv is not running. You can confirm this with the command ps -ef | grep arg You should find argsrv, argevsrv and argmlsrv listed if the System Management Hub processes have been started. If they are not listed then they need to be started. One way to do this is su to root and issue the following commands: sh /etc/init.d/sagargev start sh /etc/init.d/sagarg start sh /etc/init.d/sagargml start sh /etc/init.d/sagxts start Hope this helps.

Sounds like the argmlsrv is not running. You can confirm this with the command ps -ef | grep arg You should find argsrv, argevsrv and argmlsrv listed if the System Management Hub processes have been started. If they are not listed then they need to be started. One way to do this is su to root and issue the following commands: sh /etc/init.d/sagargev start sh /etc/init.d/sagarg start sh /etc/init.d/sagargml start sh /etc/init.d/sagxts start Hope this helps.

thank you very much, this solves the problem. but now a new problem appears ==> new entry in this list horst