I have sucessful acess Tamino Manager through (http://…/smh/login.htm) serveral time under Solaris. Somedays latter, as i try to acces it with the same user name and password and the same method, it didn’t work.
My http apache server works, i can see apache icon and documents. Tamino Welcome didn’t work. I am not Superuser of the Sun Solaris Maschin.
Thanks for help very much!
Hi MP,
please check that the following services are up and running on your Solaris box:
To do so just open a terminal session to the box and do a “ps -ef | grep argsrv” and repeat accordingly for each of the service names.
If any of the services are not running you will need to ask you adminstrator to start them using their respective scripts that can be found under /etc/init.d
It looks like the machine got rebooted thus the required services were not started during the boot-phase. Your adminstrator should know how to add the Tamino services to the system runlevel.
cheers … Bjoern
Hi Bjoern,
Your tips are help me very much. Now it works.
Thanks a lot!