Adabas Review vs APAS/INSIGHT

Good morning.

I ask for aid on which it differentiates has between Adabas Review and APAS/INSIGHT,of course because review is better than apas.

thank a lot 8)


We (iT-AUSTRIA based in Vienna, AUSTRIA) have been using APAS for 20 years in production, we use it mainly for ADABAS-monitoring and accounting (by transferring Adabas CLOG-Data to an external Accounting-system called SAS); right now we’re testing and assessing REVIEW by SAG; we’re working out Gaps between the 2 systems; TO US there is no clear picture so far basically what performance is concerned (we’re planning to go into Cluster Services by 2008 that’s also a reason for finding out what of the two would fit better into that concept …!)

What is the main goal of your question and what is your experience (what are you using REVIEW or APAS for) :shock: :?: