when install finshed by ADACE_Install.bat file and go to Startmenu item of Adabas Manager, right click the item of Adabas Manager and select ‘Run as administrator’. the Adabas Manager application gets invoked in the default browser.
In order to use Database Administration, the Adabas Manager Security is to be activated in the following way:
a) Logon to Adabas Manager
b) Click the Link ‘Configuration and Security’ in title bar
c) Select ‘Security’
d) Enter the ‘AMNDBA’ password and new password for Adabas Manager Security
when i clicked the submit button,the error window pop.
A security interface error has occurred on 2020-01-16 14:22:32.
Please make a copy of this error information and send it to your Software AG support.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Detailed error information:
Severe error occurred in security interface. Security error 8005: Internal error ; caller checksum is invalid
The error has occurred in line 502 + 4 of object AMSMOP2S in library SYSAMN on level 3.
Object chain:
AM-DISPP(0394) ==> AM-HOME(0209) ==> AMSMOP2S(0502)
Currently executing “Home” (called by “Home”).