working! But how to deploy?

I was able to call Natural subroutines from a .NET web service! Hurray. Fast, its awesome.
But I can’t figure out how to deploy the web service on another box w/o installing EntireX broker there.

I copied the runtime.dll into the bin folder, but it still doesn’t work on that server. Only on my machine. ANyone (Dietmar) have any ideas what I need to deploy.

Jason Shohet

Hi Jason,

try running a setup on the machine using the EntireX install CD and select only the “EntireX Rutime Files” option. This option should install all the components required by your .NET application.


Hi Jason,

to deploy your .NET Web service (which I assume you developed using the EntireX .NET Wrapper) requires several steps:

o First, as Theo pointed out, you need the EntireX Runtime installed on the machine where you want to deploy the Web service. There’s no need to install the Broker on that machine, but the Broker needs to be installed on some machine in your network.

o Second, you need to deploy your ASP .NET Web service files (probably including the .NET Wrapper runtime DLL; VS .NET by default makes a copies of assembly references).

Regards, Dietmar.

Yes I used the EntireX .NET Wrapper.
I have EntireX installed on my box, which is on the network.

But the IIS box – we don’t want that reading from my machine :slight_smile: And I don’t want to install foreign software on it. I would prefer to have a way to just copy in a few select dll’s where they need to go, and it just work. Installing the ‘runtime’ means I don’t really know what is going on then if there is a problem with that IIS box, and we have other critical apps running on that box.

(PS When I install our web services, I copy the actual files manually into a subweb on the IIS box: I don’t leave it to .NET to do it for me because I like to see exactly what is going on – modified dates of the files i am replacing etc.)

I wish there were some AG instructions like, “copy xyz.dll into system32, or the bin directory of the site etc” instead of just telling us to run the install and leave it to SoftwareAG to install whatever runtime components it wants on the machine. It gives me a funny feeling like a lack of control over the IIS box.

Jason Shohet

Hi Jason,

just copying EntireX runtime files is not a sufficient deployment method. The most lightweight method I can propose is to install the EntireX miniruntime.
See the documentation section “Installing EntireX Communicator under Windows” → “EntireX Mini Runtime”. This installs only the minimum runtime footprint and comes very close to your desired copy method but in a safe fashion. It also gives you the possibility to deinstall safely.
Note, the .NET Wrapper runtime DLL is not part of the miniruntime, you need to deply it together with your Web service.

Regards, Dietmar.