

My requirement is to delete all the records from the TN database (Bizdoc, ActivityLog, bizdocuniquekeys, bizdocrelationship, bizdocattribute, bizdoccontent, edi tracking etc) which are more than 3 months old.

So I used the wm.tn.archive:archive service and configured the deleteafterdays to 90.

  1. Does this service delete all the records from the Bizdoc table which are older than 3months including the child tables (Bizdoc, ActivityLog, bizdocuniquekeys etc) ?
  2. Will the orphan records also be deleted from Bizdoc, ActivityLog, bizdocuniquekeys etc which do not have dependency on the BIZDOC table records ?

Thanks for your help in advance

Does this service delete all the records from the Bizdoc table which are older than 3months including the child tables (Bizdoc, ActivityLog, bizdocuniquekeys etc) ?
–>Yes it deletes all the persisted documents (Transaction Analysis section) from the Bizdoc table and all its references from the DB.(which ever older than 3months)