webMethods IO Integrations & API Gateway combination

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?

I have a query in regards to combinational use of webMethods IO Integrations with webMethods IO API Gateway; we do have an option to integrate the On Prem Servers but i dont see a scope for routing the hits on API gateway directly to webMethods IO Integration services.

Is your question related to the free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

This is from a free trial perspective

What are you trying to achieve? Please describe it in detail.

I would like to route my calls which i receive on API gateway to my webMethods.io Integration server for processing of the data using webMethods.io and not on premise

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

Tried using the JSON & YAML file endpoints created by generating a rest API on webMethods.io and still the same fails with error message URL is not reachable.

Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?

No fixes to be done as these being iPASS solutions

There is some free self-paced training that covers this in the Software AG Learning Portal: https://learn.softwareag.com/
Even though you are using a free trial, you can access the training in this portal.
The course is called: webMethods.io Integration REST API Builder (CL617C07-75E)
If you login to the learning portal you can search for it. See hints in screen shot below.

Note: as mentioned, free trial users can also access the Learning Portal. Many courses are free and self-paced.
The only requirement is for you to provide your name and an email address. We are not restricting access unless we are asked to do this at a country level from IT. I am not aware of which countries are restricted. This is a part of making our content more open and accessible

Here’s the description of what’s covered in the course:
"webMethods.io Integration allows you to trigger project FlowServices and Workflows via API endpoints using the REST API Builder feature. You can build custom APIs (or export existing ones), link them with your project Workflows or FlowServices. A consumer can then make API requests to remotely execute the associated endpoints.

This self-paced training will walk you through how this can be done in REST API Builder within webMethods.io Integration, using both Service-First and API-First approaches. The webMethods.io API Gateway is also shown in the examples, since it’s used as an intermediary layer (policy enforcement, etc.…) between the Consumes and the Provider (webMethods.io Integration endpoints)."

You will see the options to use an API-First approach or Service-First approach. The training covers both.

Hopefully this is useful to you.

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