When I´m working with the designer of webMethods 8.0 :
the scalability of the Process Development view is changing , if I change the size of the view in percent (e.g. 5% to 150%). For exampel if I go in the DropDownField of the size and scroll with the mousescroll, the swimlanes and the process steps places change and the do not match like the do before.
And I have a second question: The arrows working with process design are not 100 percent straight. When I increase the size of the view (e. g. 200 %) there are little pixel errors.
I have changed the screen resolution already but there was no change.
How can I recreate eclipse workspace? When I start the Designer there is no prompt that ask for the workspace. It starts the server localhost and I have to change the workspace manually. How can I change this?