In this tutorial, we will see how the tracing data appears on Appdynamics when you create a solution in webMethods Cloud Deployment.
Before you Begin
- You are currently using AppDynamics to trace end to end business flows.
- You have the webMethods Cloud Deployment capability.
- You have valid Controller XML and Config XML files containing Appdynamics details.
1. Go to and register in AppDynamics.
2. On the Overview > Applications panel in AppDynamics, click Get Started.
3. On the Getting Started wizard page, click Java under the Applications panel.
3. Download the Java Agent Installer.
4. Go to the ver<xxx> > conf folder on your local system and view the controller-info.xml and app-agent-config.xml files.
5. Open the controller-info.xml file and provide the following values:
- <application-name>MyApplication</application-name>
- <node-name>AppIS</node-name>
6. Log in to Integration Cloud and switch to Cloud Deployment using the App switcher.
7. Create a new solution in Cloud Deployment and select AppDynamics from the drop-down list to provide the AppDynamics tracing support.
8. Upload the controller-info.xml and app-agent-config.xml files, and save the solution.