webMethods Cloud Container-API Invocation using Invoke, REST, SOAP and OData


In this document, you will learn how to invoke an API using Invoke, REST, SOAP and OData methods.


webMethods Cloud Container - Introduction


Go to your Solution in Cloud Container.

I have already deployed my Integration Server package “Accounts” which has service “getAccounts” this takes input and returns some output.
If you want to know how to Deploy Integration Server packages then please see webMethods Cloud Container-Deploying IS Packages to Integration Server.

Click on API Details of the service and copy the URL. Also, note the input Structure.

Scroll Down, and you will notice the Parameters for invoking this service.

Now switch back to Postman and provide API url which you have copied above in your rest invocation.

Provide input details.

Now go to authorization tab and select Basic Auth and provide username and Password.

Now go to the Headers section and provide details of a content type.

Now click on send button, you will see the result of service invocation.


I have already deployed my Integration Server package “Accounts” which has rest resource “createAccounts”  and rest descriptor “createAccountsws” this takes input and returns some output.

Rest Resource internally calls an Integration Server flow service i.e. “createAccounts”  If you want to know how to Deploy Integration Server packages then please see webMethods Cloud Container-Deploying IS Packages to Integration Server.

Now create API url which is a combination of Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server, and Service url. Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server can be found at Cloud Container->Your Desired Solution-> Manage-> Service access settings.

A shortcut to get Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server is to click add and copy the url.

Now switch to Postman. Create a Post request and provide the Base URL including solution and Integration server, now append the service URL i.e. /rad/Accounts.apis:createAccountsws/createAccounts in our case. Provide input data in Body.

Select Authentication type which is Basic in our case and provides Cloud Container User and Password.

Under Headers, select accept and Content-Type.

Click on Send, and service will be executed. Output will be shown in Body.


I have already deployed my Integration Server package “Accounts” which has SOAP web service descriptor “createAccounts”  and rest descriptor “createAccountsws” this takes input and returns some output.

Rest Resource internally calls an Integration Server flow service i.e. “addIntsws”  If you want to know how to Deploy Integration Server packages then please see webMethods Cloud Container-Deploying IS Packages to Integration Server.

Now create API url which is a combination of Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server  and Service url. Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server  can be found at Cloud Container->Your Desired Solution-> Manage-> Service access settings.

A shortcut to get Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server is to click add and copy the url.

Now switch to SOAP UI. Create a SOAP request and provide the Base URL including solution and Integration server, now append the service URL i.e.

/ws/Accounts.soapAPI:addIntsws/Accounts_soapAPI_addIntsws_Port in our case.

Now in the SOAP request provide inputs, select Authorization i.e. Basic in our case and provide Cloud Container Credentials. Run the Request and output will appear.


I have already deployed my Integration Server package “Accounts” which has OData service “Orders”.

If you want to know how to Deploy Integration Server packages then please see webMethods Cloud Container-Deploying IS Packages to Integration Server.

Now create API url which is a combination of Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server  and Service url. Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server  can be found at Cloud Container->Your Desired Solution-> Manage-> Service access settings.

A shortcut to get Base url, Solution Alias, Integration Server is to click add and copy the url.

Now switch to SOAP UI. Create a rest request and provide the Base URL including solution and Integration server. i.e. https://sandbox1.container.webmethodscloud.com/integration/service/Accounts/IS1 in our case.

Provide the resource i.e. /odata/Accounts.apis:Orders/dbo_Orderss/ in our case.

Provide the Authorization i.e. Basic in our case and Username and Password of Cloud Container Instance. Then run your service, it will give the desired results for respective methods.