product = WM API gateway IO version/fix =
I have 2 APIs in my free trial WM IO API GW:
- EmployeeEx
- ComunitiesEx
I created a new “Mashup” API ( EmployeeComunitiesMashup) from scratch, added a “Mashup” Resource, and tried to go to the API Mashups Tab to define the Mashup.
I’ve got:
"An error occurred while loading policy information. Trying to set undefined property “angle” on object: LayeredDigraphLayout()
then I tried to enable my POST resource (/create_branches_communities) and clicked “Add invoke”, chose the API Gateway API, Resource, Method and all other mandatory settings but I could not save the invoke nor the mashup.
I tried to save the API and got:
“Saving API failed.
(Routing Policies => Mashup Routing) Unable to process the PUT request for apis. An error occurred while processing the payload. Error message:
Unable to find the resource: 0”
any help would be appreciated