webMethods API Gateway tutorial
Author: Raj, Gokul (gora@softwareag.com)
Supported Versions: 10.3
Overview of the tutorial
In a typical microservices architecture, application is split into multiple services based on business functions or architectural decisions. The granularity of APIs provided by microservices is often different than what a client needs. Microservices typically provide fine-grained APIs, which means that applications need to interact with multiple services.
In such cases, API gateway can provide a single entry point for all clients. The API gateway can handle requests in one of two ways. Some requests are simply proxied/routed to the appropriate service. It handles other requests by fanning out to multiple services by composing the individual microservices/APIs in to one mashed up API. This reduces the number of requests/roundtrips that the client application otherwise will have to make.
Here the API Gateway will often handle a request by invoking multiple microservices and aggregating the results before providing a response.
An API mashup is an API that orchestrates multiple APIs by grouping and exposing them as a single API. In this tutorial we will go through the following steps in detail.
- Creating a Mashup API
- Adding steps to the Mashup API
- Invoking the Mashup API
Required knowledge
The tutorial assumes that the reader has:
- a basic understanding of API Gateway and its policy enforcement
- a good knowledge on APIs and their definitions
Servers that provides APIs may expose a vast set of functionality and each of these individual functionalities or services can be exposed as APIs in API Gateway. While this is usually effective, sometimes it is useful or required to consolidate a few services and expose them as a single service. In other situations, you might want to extend a service with the functionality provided by an external API. API mashups address these requirements for grouping services and exposing them as a single service.
Lets see a sample usage scenario.
Let's take for our example an API that provides information about courses offered by different universities in a given location. This API returns a list of universities for a given course name and postal code. The URI of the API is GET /universities?course=medicine&postalcode=600001
The provider of the API wants to extend this API for use in mobile applications that have access to users’ location. As mobile applications can access a user’s location in terms of longitude and latitude, the invocation of this API involves first retrieving the postal code for the users’ current location and then passing that information to the existing API. Lets say there is a publicly available service that returns the postal code based on the longitude and latitude values. The URI of the API is GET /postalcode?latitude=333&longitude=444444
Using an API mashup, we can create and expose a single API that calls both the APIs, the API that returns the postal code by calling the external service and the existing API that provides the list of universities. The resulting mashup API would be GET /universities?course=medicine&lat=333&long=444444
Prerequisite steps
Complete the below prerequisites to make you ready to get into the details API mashup in API Gateway:
- Install API Gateway of version 10.3
- Install postman REST client of version v6.0.10 or later
- Create the REST APIs in API Gateway by importing the attached archive files (PostalCodeAPI.zip, UniversitiesAPI.zip)
- Install java 1.8 if not available. Run the java web application for the native service endpoints (java -jar apimashup.jar)
An API mashup allows you to orchestrate multiple resources and methods from different Gateway APIs and expose the behavior as a single API. Mashup API contains of one or more steps, and each step invokes an API.
Step 1: Create a Mashup API
Go to APIs and click Create API. Provide the API name and configure the resource universities with the query parameters latitude, longitude and course as below and Save the API.
Now click Edit and select Mashups tab. The Mashups tab appears and It displays the resources of the API and their methods on the left panel and an empty Default routing step.
In the list of resources, click the resource in which you want to include the mashup. The resource tab expands and the methods included in the resource are displayed. Click the toggle button to enable the method in which you want to create the mashup.
Step 2: Add default step to the Mashup API
Now lets add our first step for the PostalCode API. This API returns the postalCode in the response for the given latitude and longitude query values. The below screenshot shows the invocation of PostalCode API and its response.
Click Add invoke. The Mashup Routing panel appears on the right. Enter a Mashup step name that is unique. Select the API Endpoint that you want to invoke in this mashup step by providing the API Gateway API, Resource and Method as in the below screenshot. Add query parameters latitude and longitude would be retrieved from the incoming request's context using a special syntax ${variable_name}. They can be accessed using ${request.query.latitude} and ${request.query.longitude}. A detailed coverage of how the values from the request and steps are accessed is explained in the next sub section. Now along with these query parameters add a custom pipleline variable course whose value would be retrieved from the incoming request's query parameter course. The course pipleline variable would be used in the next step Universities for retrieving the list of universities. Click Save to save the API. Now the mashup API is created for the selected resource and method. As a result of this step the request would call the PostalCode API by sending latitude and longitude query parameters and receive the the postalCode in response.
Details on the Mashup step inputs
Here is the detailed explanation of all the input fields in the Mashup step.
Should execute Outbound policies - If you want the outbound security policies of the participating API to be enforced in the context of an API mashup
Use incoming Headers - Uses the headers in the incoming request
Custom Headers - You can add custom headers in this section
Query Parameters - The query parameters and values to be sent to the current invoking step
Path Parameters - The path parameters and values to be sent to the current invoking step
Payload - The payload to be sent to the current invoking step. We can also extract a particular value from the incoming request payload
Advanced transformation - API Provider can define a custom implementation for request and response transformation using IS services and configure them using the Invoke webmethods IS service for an API Mashup step
Transformation metadata - For all XPath, we can configure namespace prefix and namespace URI, which can be used throughout the policy configuration
Custom Pipeline Variables - We can configure a pipeline variable here to hold values that would be used in the next steps of the Mashup API. Pipeline variable can be accessed by the syntax ${pipeline_variable_name}. Example: ${course}
The values such as headers, query parameters, payload, etc from the previous steps can be accessed using a special syntax of aliases. The below section describes the syntax in detail.
Variable types and aliases
In this section we can discuss how the values such as headers, query parameters, etc, from previous steps can be accessed from in a step. The below table shows the variable types and their possible values.
Type Possible values
paramStage |
paramType |
queryType |
${paramStage.paramType} - You can use this syntax to access the following string variables: path, statusCode, statusMessage, httpMethod. Examples: ${request.path}, ${response.statusCode}
${paramStage.paramType.paramName} - You can use this syntax to access map types, such as query, headers, and path. Example: ${request.query.var1}, ${response.header.Content-Type}, ${request.path.name}.
${paramStage.paramType.queryType[queryValue]} - This syntax can be used to query a paramType. Examples:
- ${request.payload.xpath[//ns:emp/ns:empName]} - Where "//ns:emp/ns:empName" is the XPath to be applied on the payload if contentType is "application/xml", "text/xml", or "text/html".
- ${response.payload.jsonPath[$.cardDetails.number]} - Where "$.cardDetails.number" is the jsonPath to be applied on payload if contentType is "application/json" or "application/json/badgerfish".
- ${request.payload.regex[[0-9]+]} - Where "[0-9]+" is the regular expression to be applied on the payload if contentType is "text/plain".
${paramStage[stepName].paramType.queryType[queryValue]} - You can use this syntax to access data from any of the previous steps. For example, you can use the following syntax to access the payload of the step named PostalCodeAPI: ${response[PostalCodeAPI].payload.jsonPath[$.postalCode]}.
Step 3: Add second step to the Mashup API
Now lets add the step which would retrieve the universities list based on the course and postalCode query parameters. The below screenshot shows the invocation of Universities API and its response.
Both the course and postalCode parameter values would be extracted from the first step's custom pipeline variable and response respectively. Click Add invoke. Provide the values of UniversitiesAPI endpoint details and the query parameters course and postalCode as in the below screenshot. The value for retrieving the postalCode from the PostalCode step's response uses JSON path syntax in the alias.
Step 4: Invoke the Mashup API
The below screenshot shows a sample invocation of the mashup API and its response. On invocation the Postal Code step would be executed first, which would invoke the PostalCodeAPI API to retrieve the postCode for the latitude and longitude of 333 and 444444 respectively. Then the second step Universities would be executed, which would invoke the UniversitiesAPI API to get the list of universities for the course value medicine and the postalCode value 600001 which is retrieved from the previous step.
The sample URL: http://localhost:5555/gateway/MashupAPI/1.0/universities?course=medicine&latitude=333&longitude=444444
Policy Execution
By default, the policies of an API that is participating in an API mashup are not enforced when it is invoked within the API mashup. However, if you select the Should execute Outbound policies option, the outbound security policies of the participating API are enforced in the context of the API mashup.
Data Flow
None of the following are automatically passed from one step to another in an API mashup:
- Headers
- Query parameters
- Path parameters
- Payload
You must add and use parameters in an API mashup step to access data from any of the previous steps or another source. An exception to this rule is the first step (the first participating API) in a mashup, which can receive all the data (the complete request) from request sent from the client.
More samples
Below section provides more samples to better understand the use cases of API Mashups.
Usecase 1
As a prerequisite, Import the Service Management service and Policy Management service from <Installation Folder>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmAPIGateway\resources\apigatewayservices APIGatewayServiceManagement.zip and APIGatewayPolicyManagement.zip respectively.
When you create an API from API Gateway UI, the UI invokes a set of internal REST services which creates an API and associates default policies. You can then proceed to activate the API. API Gateway provides REST services for automating all the above steps. In this example, we will use API Mashups to provide a single service which will help create an API, add some policies (apart from the default), associate these policies to the API and activate the API using the API Gateway REST services.
Let's see the below steps in detail.
- Step 1: /apis method of Service Management Service will create an API in API Gateway with the given payload
- Step 2: /policyActions method of Policy Management Service will create a Policy Action with the given payload
- Step 3: /policies method of Policy Management Service will create a Policy using the Policy Actions created in Step 2
- Step 4: /apis/{apiId}/activate method of Service Management Service activate the API created in Step 1
- Step 5: /policies/{policyId}/activate method of Service Management Service activate the Policy created in Step 3
Create a REST API (Demo Usecase 1) from scratch with POST resource(/create/activate/secured) and add mashups to this resource. The mashups consist of 5 steps.
Create API using payload | /apis | Service Management | POST |
"apiName": "Mashups API", "apiDescription": "api creation with policy", "url": "https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json" } |
Create policyAction using Payload | /policyActions | Policy Management | POST |
"policyAction": { "names": [ { "value": "Identify & Authorize Application", "locale": "en" } ], "templateKey": "evaluatePolicy", "parameters": [ { "templateKey": "logicalConnector", "values": [ "OR" ] }, { "templateKey": "allowAnonymous", "values": [ "false" ] }, { "templateKey": "IdentificationRule", "parameters": [ { "templateKey": "applicationLookup", "values": [ "strict" ] }, { "templateKey": "identificationType", "values": [ "apiKey" ] } ] } ], "active": "false" } } |
3. createPolicy | Create Policy with policy action created in Step 2 | /policies | Policy Management | POST |
"policy": { "names": [ { "value": "API Key Policy", "locale": "English" } ], "descriptions": [ { "value": "api key policy", "locale": "English" } ], "scope": { "applicableAPITypes": [ "REST", "SOAP", "ODATA" ], "scopeConditions": [ { "filterType": "API", "attributes": [ { "attributeName": "API_NAME", "operation": "EQUALS", "value": "${request.payload.jsonPath[$.apiName]}" } ] } ], "logicalConnector": "AND" }, "policyEnforcements": [ { "enforcements": [ { "enforcementObjectId": "${response[createPolicyAction]. payload.jsonPath[$.policyAction.id]}",
"order": null } ], "stageKey": "IAM" } ], "policyScope": "GLOBAL", "global": true, "systemPolicy": false, "active": true } } |
4. activateAPI | Activate API created in Step 1 | /apis/{apiId}/activate | Service Management | PUT | apiId - ${response[createAPI].payload.jsonPath[$.apiResponse.api.id]} |
5. activatePolicy | Activate Policy created in Step 3 | /policies/{policyId}/activate | Policy Management | PUT | policyId - ${response[createPolicy].payload.jsonPath[$.policy.id]} |
Save and Activate the API, and invoke using createAPI payload with Postman or any other rest client. API will be created with the given name in the payload and associated with a policy action as described. The above described Mashups is available as attachment Demo Usecase 1.zip.
Usecase 2
In this use case, we are going to accumulate the responses obtained from all the Mashup steps using Invoke ESB service.
Import the Service Management service from <Installation>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmAPIGateway\ resources\apigatewayservices APIGatewayServiceManagement.zip. Copy ResponseAccumulation.zip in <Installation Folder>\IntegrationServer\instances\default\replicate\inbound and go to IS → Packages → Management → Install Inbound Releases → Choose the ResponseAccumulation.zip in the drop down and click Install. Create a Custom Service API in API Gateway using the Native endpoint(http://localhost:5555/rest/Response), resource(/accumulation) and method(POST). Create a REST API (Demo Usecase 2) from scratch with POST resource(/accumulate) and add mashups to this resource. The mashups consist of 3 steps.
Create API using payload | /apis | Service Management | POST |
2. ActivateAPI | Activate API created in Step 1 | /apis/{apiId}/activate | Service Management | PUT | apiId - ${response[createAPI].payload.jsonPath[$.apiResponse.api.id]} |
3. ResAccu | Accumulate the response of Step 1 and 2 | /accumulate | Inbound Service | POST | [${response[CreateAPI].payload},${response[ActivateAPI].payload}] |
Save and Activate the API, and invoke using CreateAPI payload with Postman or any other rest client. API will be created with the given name in the payload. The above described Mashups is available as an attachment in Demo Usecase 2.zip.
- Currently API Gateway supports API mashups for REST APIs only. Also only REST APIs can be added in the mashup steps
- API Gateway doesn't support mashups of external API Gateway APIs as well as third party APIs. It supports the API Gateway APIs in the current instance
- API Mashup through composite APIs isn't possible as of now
Downloadable artifacts
Demo Usecase 1.zip (71.2 KB)
Demo Usecase 2.zip (41.7 KB)
MashupAPI.zip (17.2 KB)
ResponseAccumulation.zip (6.3 KB)
Learn more
- For details on usage of Invoke webMethods IS policy in versions 10.2 and above, refer http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/pwiki/-/wiki/Main/Invoke+webMethods+IS+policy+in+API+Gateway+10.2
apimashup.jar (15.5 MB)