I am getting below error in designer when i try to connect to IS. My IS is up and running in my local.
Designer version is 10.7
An internal error occurred during: “Validate ServerInfo Definition”.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/internet/ParseException
at com.wm.util.Base64.encode(Base64.java:72)
at com.wm.driver.comm.b2b.http.HTTPLink.(HTTPLink.java:108)
at com.wm.driver.comm.b2b.http.SessionHTTPLink.(SessionHTTPLink.java:31)
at com.wm.driver.comm.b2b.WmConnectionFactory.create(WmConnectionFactory.java:46)
at com.softwareag.is.core.iscomm.server.ServerConnection.connect(ServerConnection.java:239)
at com.softwareag.is.core.servers.ServerInfoJob.run(ServerInfoJob.java:111)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:63)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.mail.internet.ParseException cannot be found by com.softwareag.is.runtimejars_10.7.0.0000-0360
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:516)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.ModuleClassLoader.loadClass(ModuleClassLoader.java:171)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:351)
… 7 more
Are both, Designer and IS installed in same installation directory?
In addendum to Kasi´s response, I consider this an installation or patching issue as usually the installer should make sure that all parts needed to run the components are selected for installation during the process.
Can you provide us a list of fixes applied to your installation?
Check for the CJP (Java Runtime) Fixes and TPS/TPP Fixes.
On the other side I am wondering why validating the Server Connectivity should make use of classes from javax.mail.
Please open a support ticket via Empower to get this investigated.
@Holger_von_Thomsen, IS has an internal mailing construct and it’s possible that the methods in this jar were reused across functions (i.e., event logging).
I suspect that this error (ParseException) is only secondary. There’s a primary error event with the Designer → IS connectivity, which could not be captured due to this missing library.
in this case it will be a good idea to check the IS server.log and the error log to see if there are some related messages.
Looking at the eclipse log from Designer (as suggested in the screen shots) might also be helpful in this case then.
The installation must not require you to add a jar manually, I’m guessing there could have been an issue during installation , in addition to the IS server logs/designer logs, I would suggest you check the install logs, under /install/logs/installLog.txt , search for the string “APP_ERROR” in this file, if there were any issues.
As this is a common shared lib location you need to restart both of them (IS and Designer).
As this issue occurs without restarting IS but restarting Designer this indicates that IS will be the target for investigation.
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your support and suggestions.
The issue has been resolved by reinstalling designer alone. It may be an issue with some dependent libraries.