I’m using Webmethods.io - Free Forever Edition to complete a training course on Internet of Things using WebMethods.io into Google Cloud into Snowflake.
I’m just about to complete a snowflake Data Applications Builder course but in order to do so, i need to connect a workflow to send data to PubSub.
However i’m getting an error message “Your tenant transaction limit is exhausted please contact support”
I’ve tried to contact support but it keeps putting me through to Empower who wont speak to me because Im not a customer of theirs.
Any idea of how i can work with this, i only need access to do this one transfer and my course will be complete
I have passed your information on to the people who support free forever trials. I asked that you be given some extra transactions so that you can finish the training.
No problem.
I’m not sure. I believe the team who supports this are in India, so it’s almost morning for them. I believe you are in the UK ? So if the planets align, I’m hoping it will get done by tomorrow (don’t quote me on this). Let me know either way tomorrow. I am in Canada, Eastern Time Zone.
By the way, I hope you are liking the wM.io Integration product.
Great to hear!
Our teams monitor the SAG Tech Forums, and do our best to help.
By the way, there is a lot of training available for Software AG products. We have a YouTube channel (just search for “Software AG”). If you are a customer or partner of Software AG, we also have a learning portal ( Software AG learning portal) with a lot of free self-paced training, and instructor-led training.
I am going through the same snowflake trial mentioned in this thread and seem to have the same issue.
Would it be possible to add a few extra credits to my account?
Hello Wayne,
The same issue with me as well , while taking up the snowflake course. Please guide me who can help me. Here is my environment name → env688628
In my case Software AG was not able to provide more transactions.
Solution was to create a new trial account, edit the snowflake connections and redo the required loading.
I am facing the exact same problem. I need more tenant transactions so that I can finish Snowflake training. I would appreciate it if you could help me as well!
I am facing the exact same problem. I need more tenant transactions so that I can finish Snowflake training. I would appreciate it if you could help me as well!
Hi All,
If you have a trial account with Software AG for your Snowflake training and face Transaction credit exhaustion, email CloudFreeTrial@softwareag.com to ask for more credit. I did that and is granted more credit to complete my training.
Hello Wayne, I am facing the same issue. I need more tenant transactions so that I can finish Snowflake training. I would appreciate it if you could help me as well! Thanks in advance.
Please email CloudFreeTrial@softwareag.com, explaining that you are trying to complete a Snowflake course involving webMethods.io Integration and need a bit more transactions. If you don’t receive a reply in couple of days please ping @Community-admin in a chat private message: