Tech Community Overview

About the Tech Community

As part of the Software AG Tech Community, you are one of a dynamic group of users who rely on Software AG solutions every day. You contribute to and learn from a wealth of best practices. You discover a world of possibilities that Software AG can help you make happen.

To sign up now for your free membership, click here. Please note that you will need to enter a valid email address before your account is activated. All other required fields on the registration form are marked with *.

Once you have submitted your registration, you will receive an email that contains an account activation link; simply follow this link to activate your account.

Why Join?

The Software AG Tech Community is your single best source for expert insights, getting the latest product updates, demos, trial downloads, documentation, code samples, webinars and topical articles. But even more important, this community is tailored to meet your needs to improve productivity, accelerate development, solve problems, and achieve your goals.

With a knowledge base of tens of thousands of discussion forum posts and the latest collaborative tools, there are numerous professional and personal benefits to gain from being a member of the Software AG Tech Community:

Increase productivity

:heavy_check_mark: Build skills

:heavy_check_mark: Accelerate projects

:heavy_check_mark: Find resources quickly

Build a professional network

:heavy_check_mark: Tap into wisdom of many

:heavy_check_mark: Brainstorm solutions

:heavy_check_mark: Inspire and support

Showcase your skills

:heavy_check_mark: Create your own brand

:heavy_check_mark: Share Insights

:heavy_check_mark: Demonstrate expertise

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Community Factsheet

Getting Started Guide

How to format posts and articles