Tamino Migration Tool (v1.0.0)

Hi !

I am preparing to migrate from Tamino to and I have used the Migration Tool to generate migration files, in order to migrate my collections and schemas.

When I try to use the Migrate command, the tool tries to connect to the same URL and port as v2, while v3 is installed on a different machine.

Is there some manual operation to be done in the migration file? Am I simply misusing the tool?

Thanks !


The migration tool does not support migration on two different machines (or databases). It can only migrate the same database on the same machine.

The only way to do that is to use the Schema Editor or schema converter to convert the schema, after that call the data unloader/loader (inoxmld.exe located in Tamino binary directory) to unload the data from the old machine and load them into the other manuelly.

Alexander Dong

OK - it’s what I was afraid of :mad:

Thanks anyway for the answer.
