SenderID and ReceiverID Extraction in TN 61


I’m currently working on an upgrade from 6.0.1 to 6.1. As I was checking out the upgraded system, I came across a GUI change in Trading Networks that puzzled me. In 6.0.1, when you define an XML Doc Type in TN and then specify where to extract the SenderID and ReceiverID, you have the option of converting the extracted value to Lowercase or Uppercase, or of performing a String Substitution. However, in 6.1 webMethods got rid of these features for the SenderID and ReceiverID attributes.

I’m currently working with a webMethods engineer to resolve this issue. However, I wanted to see if any of you had encountered this problem, and if so, how you resolved it.

One confusing detail to me was that in both the TN User’s Guide 6.1 and Building Your Trading Network 6.0.1, the documents clearly state, “For attributes (other than SenderID or ReceiverID) with the data type STRING or STRINGLIST, you can specify whether you want Trading Networks to alter the string value before storing.” However, this is obvisouly not true for 6.0.1 as we are currently using this functionality for Sender/ReceiverID. Why would they remove these useful features?



Actually these options (Lowercase or Uppercase, or of performing a String Substitution.)are there only for Extracting DocumentID or when defining Custom Attributes starting from all verions (4.6,6.01)including present 6.1 but these are not applied for Extracting SenderID/ReceiverID anytime.So WM didn’t removed this option.



Thanks for the quick response. However, we are currently using these options for ReceiverID and SenderID. I understand that maybe webMethods didn’t originally intend for these options to be made available through the GUI, but they are available in 6.0.1.

Please see the attached screen shot. It has the same exact screen with the same exact data in 6.0.1 and 6.1. I can e-mail a better resolution image to you if you’d like.



Sorry You are right…i have missed to keenly notice in 6.01…but in 4.6/6.1 those options are not there at all for Sender/Receiver ID in Add Attributes panel.Its weired.What WM support is saying?


webMethods Support has provided me with a solution that uses the new Custom transformation feature to get around this problem. They really lucked out this time. They removed a feature but were lucky enough that a new one can cover them.

However, I still have received no answer as to why the feature was removed in the first place, and above all, as to why they single out SenderID and ReceiverID. Lowercase, Uppercase, and String Substitution transformations are just as valuable for these attributes as for any others (if not more).


Thanks for the update.