I want to use the following two services to retrieve a document from the Trading Networks Database:
I do not have the Internal Document ID but only got the Document ID that you populate when you save the record to the Database. I tried this document ID in the documentId field of the createDocumentQuery service but the service does not return any results. What do I need to fill into these services or how can I retrieve the Internal Document ID?
Try this.
Enter you TN Doc id (as seen on the TN console) for the documentID on wm.tn.query:createDocumentQuery
set disable paging to true on wm.tn.query:documentQuery.
If I remember correctly the disable paging affects the how the results are returned.
Could either of you guys can share the code to reterive the documents record from TN Database. Please send it to me or upload to this forum so that any one can download
please help me urgently.
My question is , how to retrieve a deleted query by name received(that comes with webMethods trading networks).If we cant retrieve plz also help how develop that query.
Thank you
How can you query for a document using createdocumentquery and documentquery, when all you have is the documentID and the conversationID? I have several documents in TN that have the same documentid, what make the document unique for me will be the conversationID in where the document was used. I have tried to use the attribute record as part of my search by setting the Attribute name to ConversationID, but that will result in an error, unknown attribute. Does anyone know how you can search for a document by docID and converstaionID?