Duplicate checking


I have a requirement where in i have to check for duplicate documents by sender+receiver+GroupControlNumber.so i have selected the pre-processing action “check for duplicates by sender,receiver and documentID”,which does the work and creates an error varaible Saving in the bizdoc.
the thing is i have to compare the current transaction with the previous transaction which has the same sender+receiver+groupcontrolnumber.depending on that i have to do different processing for each condition.(splitoption is group)
Can anyone tell me how to do this?


You can use the services in the wm.tn.query folder to retrieve previous documents.

As you have said,i used createDocumentQuery and documentQuery of wm.tn folder.This identified the document but i cannot see the EDI data anywhere in the pipeline.do i have to call any other service to get the data?



I got it using wm.tn.doc:view and bytesToString.wm.tn.doc:view takes internalId as the input and returns the bizdoc.


That’s exactly the right process. Glad you got it working.