Conversation ID for EDI

Hi Guys…

I am sending EDI data to TN ( )…If an interchange has a group and 2 transactions … So TN receives 4 documents ( 1 IS env,1 Grp env and 2 transaction docs)…Now if i want to run a query in transaction analysis and get all of them with one search I need one common field which connects all these EDI data and also carry forward element/attribute for future use.

I want to use conversation ID to link all these docs but unable to get that value in TN if I set that in TN parms.

I read somewhere to use a instance ID query but unable to understand how and where to start.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


you can create your instance ID Query for EDI document on EDI home page ->Define instance ID queries link, it can be any field (combination of 2 or more) which is coming in EDI data say ICN, purchaseordernumber etc…

Hope it helps!

Thanks for reply…

Firstly I have added the instance query for the doc type @ transaction level

instance id query : /ST/BEG/BEG03

and have submitted the data to TN but still the conversation id isnt generated.

  • Do I have to configure properties for this?
  • How does the query @ transactional level ( /st/beg/beg03) generate a common conversation id for all transactions,gs and IS level


can you please share the resolution for the above. facing the same issue.
